Jerry Gregoire of Dell once said, “The customer experience is the next competitive battleground.” The bottom line: exceptional customer service skills are crucial for building a company’s brand and reputation. With competitive quality and pricing no longer an issue for most products and services, it’s the customer service jobs that win over sales, good PR, and loyalty.
With that being said, the ideal customer service scenario involves a knowledgeable customer working with an eager-to-help human. Guess how often that happens – not often. Larger companies can invest the time and resources to train anyone and motivate them to keep the customer happy. However, these same companies are offering increasingly complex products just so that they can remain competitive. This in turn results in a huge influx of confused customers calling in to get their questions answered (since, of course, they had no luck on the company’s website or forums). Therefore, organizations waste millions of dollars and thousands of hours answering simple questions - repeatedly. Not only is this inefficient, but it is extremely expensive.
That’s why companies, large and small, have added automated customer service to their tier system. Ever find yourself screaming and swearing at an automated virtual receptionist after they misunderstood what you were asking for?
Us neither… But it can be tempting.
The strategy and technology behind those virtual assistant services leaves a lot to be desired right now, but that doesn’t mean something better doesn’t already exist.
By leveraging the platform, we can help companies automate their customer service through human-like conversations that understand natural language with conversational virtual assistants. This technology understands a customer’s problem and is capable of answering questions as well as resolving issues in real time. Therefore, customer service representatives can focus on more complex problems and other value-adding activities.
Of course, this technology can be deployed across all of your digital channels including text, voice, web, mobile and 3rd party API integrations. Multi-channel support empowers customers to seamlessly receive consistent service regardless of the platform. But it doesn’t stop there! Check out Forbes’ article on how integrated with Twilio, adds all new insight to communication here.